Felix Hendricks journey in the world of coffee began over a decade ago when he discovered his passion for the beverage. He embarked on a quest to master the art of brewing and became a proficient barista, specializing in the delicate craft of espresso extraction and the creation of intricate latte art. His commitment to excellence has earned him a reputation for consistently exceptional coffee.
In addition to his barista skills, Felix is also well-versed in coffee machine mechanics and maintenance. He holds a Coffee Machine Maintenance Certification from the Coffee Equipment Technical Institute, which demonstrates his proficiency in diagnosing, repairing, and maintaining a wide range of coffee machines. This certification ensures that he is equipped with the knowledge and skills to keep coffee machines running at their optimal performance.
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About us:
Email: wildboarcoffee.com@gmail.com
Phone: (972) 584-9001
Address: 112 W Prospect Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80525, United States